IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación. "FOR" -IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

Simposio Formación de profesionales competentes desde una perspectiva inclusiva y equitativa, por un desarrollo sostenible.


IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

a pedagogical experience was presented that was based on the usefulness of the model class as a didactic tool for the training of the future teacher of spanish-literature from the non-face-to-face mode and that allowed to solve the insufficiencies shown by them when modeling adjusted classes to the current approach and in correspondence with the demands that society demands. based on a theoretical systematization of the current approach and the spanish-literature class of excellence × higher education × in the different teachings. interaction with students demonstrated the relevance and effectiveness of the model class as a didactic tool for successful professional performance. the main objective was to socialize this pedagogical experience × induction-deduction × to be taught efficiently from the class ×

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