IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación. "FOR" -IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

Simposio Formación de profesionales competentes desde una perspectiva inclusiva y equitativa, por un desarrollo sostenible.


IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.



La actual situación epidemiológica por la COVID-19, impuso un nuevo reto a la educación superior cubana pues obligó a buscar alternativas para continuar la marcha del proceso formativo; en este sentido, se presentó una experiencia pedagógica que se basó en la utilidad de la clase modelo como herramienta didáctica para la formación del futuro profesor de español-literatura desde la modalidad no presencial y que permitió solucionar las insuficiencias mostradas por estos al modelar clases ajustadas al enfoque actual y en correspondencia con las exigencias que demanda la sociedad. A partir de una sistematización teórica sobre el enfoque actual y la clase de excelencia de Español-Literatura se elaboró un sistema de clases modelos que estuvieron a disposición de los estudiantes por diferentes vías digitales y que permitió demostrar y ejemplificar cómo se organizan los contenidos de la didáctica particular, en integración con los de la formación básica y de la especialidad, para ser impartidos eficientemente desde la clase, en las diferentes enseñanzas. La interacción con los estudiantes demostró la pertinencia y la efectividad de la clase modelo como herramienta didáctica para un acertado desempeño profesional. Se tuvo como principal objetivo, socializar esta experiencia pedagógica, su aplicación y resultados, en otros contextos para que el futuro profesor de Español-Literatura, autogestione el conocimiento y desarrolle habilidades para dirigir el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura. Fueron aplicados diferentes métodos: análisis y síntesis, inducción-deducción, enfoque sistémico y la experiencia pedagógica vivencial.


The current epidemiological situation due to COVID-19, imposed a new challenge on Cuban higher education as it forced them to look for alternatives to continue the training process; In this sense, a pedagogical experience was presented that was based on the usefulness of the model class as a didactic tool for the training of the future teacher of Spanish-Literature from the non-face-to-face mode and that allowed to solve the insufficiencies shown by them when modeling adjusted classes to the current approach and in correspondence with the demands that society demands. Based on a theoretical systematization of the current approach and the Spanish-Literature class of excellence, a system of model classes was developed that were available to students through different digital channels and that allowed to demonstrate and exemplify how the contents of the particular didactics, in integration with those of basic and specialty training, to be taught efficiently from the class, in the different teachings. Interaction with students demonstrated the relevance and effectiveness of the model class as a didactic tool for successful professional performance. The main objective was to socialize this pedagogical experience, its application and results, in other contexts so that a graduate of the career is achieved who masters the contents and knows how to organize and effectively direct the teaching-learning process of the subject Spanish- Literature. Different methods were applied: analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, systemic approach and the experiential pedagogical experience.

Sobre el ponente

Dahirys Mora Mora

Dr. Dahirys Mora Mora

Universidad de Las Tunas Flag of Cuba


Información Práctica
Cartel científico
Spanish / Español
febrero 09, 2022 2:35 p. m.
25 minutos
Dr. Dahirys Mora Mora
Palabras clave
a pedagogical experience was presented that was based on the usefulness of the model class as a didactic tool for the training of the future teacher of spanish-literature from the non-face-to-face mode and that allowed to solve the insufficiencies shown by them when modeling adjusted classes to the current approach and in correspondence with the demands that society demands. based on a theoretical systematization of the current approach and the spanish-literature class of excellence
a system of model classes was developed that were available to students through different digital channels and that allowed to demonstrate and exemplify how the contents of the particular didactics
didactics of the spanish language and literature.
excellence class
higher education
imposed a new challenge on cuban higher education as it forced them to look for alternatives to continue the training process; in this sense
in integration with those of basic and specialty training
in other contexts so that a graduate of the career is achieved who masters the contents and knows how to organize and effectively direct the teaching-learning process of the subject spanish- literature. different methods were applied: analysis and synthesis
in the different teachings. interaction with students demonstrated the relevance and effectiveness of the model class as a didactic tool for successful professional performance. the main objective was to socialize this pedagogical experience
its application and results
model class
systemic approach and the experiential pedagogical experience.
the current epidemiological situation due to covid-19
to be taught efficiently from the class