IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación. "FOR" -IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

Simposio Formación de profesionales competentes desde una perspectiva inclusiva y equitativa, por un desarrollo sostenible.


IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

an assessment is made of the different positions in the study and the preparation of the teacher on educational inclusion × inclusión educativa × the authors propose a manual for the improvement of teachers that contains activities that revolve around a group of audiovisuals × we cannot fail to recognize the new approaches that have been developed in the face of the educational care model × where the economic and social transformations in which our society is immersed have substantially influenced. as a starting point ×

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