IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación. "FOR" -IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

Simposio Formación de profesionales competentes desde una perspectiva inclusiva y equitativa, por un desarrollo sostenible.


IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.



La atención educativa en Cuba a las personas con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE), constituye uno de sus principales logros. Haber garantizado el acceso de todos a la educación y haber puesto a su disposición los recursos materiales y humanos necesarios para integrarlos a la sociedad en igualdad de derechos y deberes ex¬plica la nobleza de esta obra, sin embargo, no podemos dejar de reconocer los nuevos enfoques que se han gestado frente al modelo de atención educativa, donde sustancialmente han influido las transformaciones económicas y sociales en las que está inmersa nuestra sociedad. Como punto de partida se efectúa una valoración de las distintas posiciones en el estudio y la preparación del docente sobre la inclusión educativa, indagando a través de la observación, la encuesta a los docentes en ejercicio y en formación, y una entrevista que se les aplicó a las familias para conocer el nivel de preparación que poseen sobre la disposición para colaborar en las actividades que realizan los niños con necesidades educativas. Para atender esta problemática los autores proponen un manual para la superación de los docentes que contiene actividades que giran alrededor de un grupo de audiovisuales, seleccionados  por lo sensible de los temas que abordan y por la forma, no menos enternecedoras, en que se manifiestan los mismos, además se brindan los elementos metodológicos necesarios para la extrapolación de cada actividad a la familia y la comunidad como complemento de las acciones para el logro de una adecuada inclusión educativa.


Educational care in Cuba for people with special educational needs (SEN) is one of its main achievements. Having guaranteed everyone's access to education and having made available to them the material and human resources necessary to integrate them into society with equal rights and duties explains the nobility of this work, however, we cannot fail to recognize the new approaches that have been developed in the face of the educational care model, where the economic and social transformations in which our society is immersed have substantially influenced. As a starting point, an assessment is made of the different positions in the study and the preparation of the teacher on educational inclusion, investigating through observation, the survey of practicing and training teachers, and an interview that was applied to them to the families to know the level of preparation they have regarding the willingness to collaborate in the activities carried out by children with educational needs. To address this problem, the authors propose a manual for the improvement of teachers that contains activities that revolve around a group of audiovisuals, selected for the sensitivity of the topics they address and for the way, no less touching, in which the In addition, the necessary methodological elements are provided for the extrapolation of each activity to the family and the community as a complement to the actions to achieve adequate educational inclusion.

Sobre el ponente

Belkis Moreno Corrales

Prof. Belkis Moreno Corrales

Universidad de Pinar del Río Flag of Cuba


Información Práctica
Cartel científico
Spanish / Español
febrero 09, 2022 9:0 a. m.
2 horas 30 minutos
Sala 7
Lázaro Jesús Cordero Echevarría
María Cristina Salabarria Márquez
Prof. Belkis Moreno Corrales
Palabras clave
an assessment is made of the different positions in the study and the preparation of the teacher on educational inclusion
and an interview that was applied to them to the families to know the level of preparation they have regarding the willingness to collaborate in the activities carried out by children with educational needs. to address this problem
educational care in cuba for people with special educational needs (sen) is one of its main achievements. having guaranteed everyone's access to education and having made available to them the material and human resources necessary to integrate them into society with equal rights and duties explains the nobility of this work
in which the in addition
inclusión educativa
investigating through observation
necesidades educativas especiales (nee)
no less touching
selected for the sensitivity of the topics they address and for the way
the authors propose a manual for the improvement of teachers that contains activities that revolve around a group of audiovisuals
the necessary methodological elements are provided for the extrapolation of each activity to the family and the community as a complement to the actions to achieve adequate educational inclusion.
the survey of practicing and training teachers
we cannot fail to recognize the new approaches that have been developed in the face of the educational care model
where the economic and social transformations in which our society is immersed have substantially influenced. as a starting point