IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación. "FOR" -IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

Simposio Formación de profesionales competentes desde una perspectiva inclusiva y equitativa, por un desarrollo sostenible.


IX Taller Internacional sobre la Formación Universitaria de Profesionales de la Educación.

and an interview that was applied to them to the families to know the level of preparation they have regarding the willingness to collaborate in the activities carried out by children with educational needs. to address this problem × educational care in cuba for people with special educational needs (sen) is one of its main achievements. having guaranteed everyone's access to education and having made available to them the material and human resources necessary to integrate them into society with equal rights and duties explains the nobility of this work × instrument × superación × the authors propose a manual for the improvement of teachers that contains activities that revolve around a group of audiovisuals ×

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