Simposio La Educación Superior y los retos para el futuro, internacionalización e integración en la región
XVI Taller Internacional “La Educación Superior y sus Perspectivas”.
Research relevance: For small countries like Georgia, the development of science and technology is vital. This requires further improvement of all levels of education, which would probably be impossible without adequate financial resources.
Research objectives: to show the trends of Georgia's educational reforms in relation to the sustainable development goals and the challenges of European integration. Identify problems and find ways to solve them.
Research methods: Use of a comparative analysis method based on Eurostat, UN and Geostat databases.
Structure and content of the topic:
1. Sustainable competitive advantage
2. Diversity of cultural identities and integration perspectives.
3. Financing of higher education.
4. Alienación entre educación y ciencia.
Las naciones competitivas del siglo XXI están impulsando sus recursos hacia la ciencia, la educación, la manufactura y el comercio (SEPT). El éxito de las reformas dependerá de qué tan bien entendamos y gestionemos la diversidad de identidades culturales. La escasez de fondos, la crisis económica, los planes de estudio fragmentados, los vínculos débiles entre la educación y el mercado laboral, el incumplimiento total de los requisitos modernos y la corrupción se han convertido en problemas importantes para el país.
Conclusiones: Durante 30 años, los procesos en curso en el sistema educativo fueron inicialmente caóticos, no sistemáticos y, a menudo, espontáneos. Como resultado de las reformas iniciadas en 2005, el sistema de financiación de las universidades cambió radicalmente de financiación básica a la transición a un sistema de vales. Las universidades georgianas están adquiriendo gradualmente una "dimensión europea".
Relevance of the research: For small countries like Georgia, the development of science and technology is vital. This requires further improvement of all levels of education, which would probably be impossible without adequate financial resources.
Research objectives: To show trends in Georgia's educational reforms in relevance to sustainable development goals and European integration challenges. To identify problems and look for ways to solve them.
Research methods: Use of comparative analysis method based on Eurostat, UN and Geostat databases.
Topic structure and content:
1. Sustainable competitive advantage
2. Diversity of cultural identities and integration perspectives.
3. Financing of higher education.
4. Alienation between education and science.
Competitive nations of the 21st century are pushing their resources towards science, education, manufacturing and trade (SEPT).. The success of reforms will depend on how well we understand and manage the diversity of cultural identities. Scarce funding, the economic crisis, fragmented curricula, weak links between education and the labor market, total non-compliance with modern requirements, and corruption have become major problems for the country
Conclusions: For 30 years, the ongoing processes in the education system were initially chaotic, unsystematic and often spontaneous. As a result of the reforms started in 2005, the funding system for universities was radically changed from basic funding to the transition to a voucher system. Georgian universities are gradually acquiring "European dimension".
Sobre el ponente
Prof. Tsitsino Dzotsenidze
I am Graduated Tbilisi Javakhishvili state university. I'm PhD in economics. Associate professor. Dissertation Theses is " Georgia's economical integration's problems and perspectives with European Union.