Simposio Universidad, conocimiento e innovación para el desarrollo sostenible.
VII Taller Internacional “Universidad, Seguridad y Soberanía Alimentaria”
La pitahaya es un cultivo perteneciente a la familia de las Cactáceas, proveniente de Mesoamérica y con un alto valor comercial tanto a nivel nacional como a nivel internacional. En Nicaragua se destinan 700 hectáreas para la siembra, obteniendo un valor de exportación de US$1, 167,600 anual. Sin embargo, se considera que este todavía es un rubro poco explotado debido al bajo conocimiento de la mayoría de los productores, sobre todo en el área de sistemas de siembra, tutureos y viabilidad económica en costos al momento de implementar una plantación adecuada para cada una de las variedades, por lo cual el presente trabajo se enfocó en la búsqueda de cultivares y tipos de tutores que obtengan mayores resultados de adaptación y rentabilidad económica. Llevando a cabo un DCA, aleatorizando dos cultivares y tres tipos de tutores (1 muerto 2 vivos) obteniendo 24 UE. Tomando en cuenta las características Agronómicas propias de cada variedad de pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) y los costos inicial de producción. Obteniendo como resultados con respecto a variable; altura promedio para la variedad rosa de hasta 60 cm, con una sobrevivencia de siembra del 100% y diámetros de yema de hasta 4 cm en la variedad rosa. Comparando con la variedad lisa que obtuvo promedios de altura de 40 cm con una sobrevivencia de 80% y un diámetro de yemas de 4.2 cm mostrando leves diferencias en los resultados comparados por cada tutoreo. Por tanto, la variedad con mayor adaptabilidad y rentabilidad es la variedad rosa en tutores de madera (tigüilote).
The pitahaya is a crop belonging to the Cactaceae family, from Mesoamerica and with a high commercial value both nationally and internationally. In Nicaragua, 700 hectares are allocated for planting, obtaining an annual export value of US$1,167,600. However, it is considered that this is still a little exploited item due to the low knowledge of most producers, especially in the area of planting systems, tutureos and economic viability in costs at the time of implementing an adequate plantation for each one. of the varieties, for which the present work focused on the search for cultivars and types of tutors that obtain greater results of adaptation and economic profitability. Carrying out a DCA, randomizing two cultivars and three types of tutors (1 dead 2 alive) obtaining 24 EU. Taking into account the agronomic characteristics of each variety of pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) and the initial production costs. Obtaining as results with respect to variable; average height for the pink variety of up to 60 cm, with 100% sowing survival and bud diameters of up to 4 cm in the pink variety. Comparing with the smooth variety that obtained height averages of 40 cm with a survival of 80% and a bud diameter of 4.2 cm, showing slight differences in the results compared for each tutoring. Therefore, the variety with the greatest adaptability and profitability is the pink variety on wooden stakes (tigüilote).he pitahaya is a crop belonging to the Cactaceae family, from Mesoamerica and with a high commercial value both nationally and internationally. In Nicaragua, 700 hectares are allocated for planting, obtaining an annual export value of US$1,167,600. However, it is considered that this is still a little exploited item due to the low knowledge of most producers, especially in the area of planting systems, tutureos and economic viability in costs at the time of implementing an adequate plantation for each one. of the varieties, for which the present work focused on the search for cultivars and types of tutors that obtain greater results of adaptation and economic profitability. Carrying out a DCA, randomizing two cultivars and three types of tutors (1 dead 2 alive) obtaining 24 EU. Taking into account the agronomic characteristics of each variety of pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) and the initial production costs. Obtaining as results with respect to variable; average height for the pink variety of up to 60 cm, with 100% sowing survival and bud diameters of up to 4 cm in the pink variety. Comparing with the smooth variety that obtained height averages of 40 cm with a survival of 80% and a bud diameter of 4.2 cm, showing slight differences in the results compared for each tutoring. Therefore, the variety with the greatest adaptability and profitability is the pink variety on wooden stakes (tigüilote).